13 Ways to Make Money in Between Jobs

Being between jobs can be a huge financial stress. With the average job search taking anywhere between three and six months, money can get tight quickly. After all, the bills don’t stop when your income does!

The good news is that your income stream doesn’t have to come to a complete halt when you’re in between work.

How to make money in between jobs

Whether you have a specific skill set or are willing to try something new, these options can supply financial padding while also giving you the flexibility needed to apply and interview for full-time positions.

1. Freelancing

Have a skill set that matches what companies are looking for in freelancers? Consider month-to-month or project based contract work. Companies around the globe hire freelancers for roles like:

  • Development & IT
  • Sales
  • Finance
  • Accounting
  • Marketing
  • Customer support
  • Design & creative 
  • Copywriting
  • Translation

There are two ways to go about freelancing: building your own network of clients or offering your skills on platforms like Upwork or Fiverr. Building your own clientele may take longer, but can lead to stronger, longer-lasting relationships. Utilizing online platforms can help you find and apply to freelance projects quickly, which can be helpful when earning some cash is your main priority.

2. Gig economy jobs

Sign up for gig economy platforms like Uber, Lyft, DoorDash, or Instacart to earn money through driving or delivering items. These jobs are great for in-between situations because they allow you to clock in and clock out whenever you want, giving you ultimate control of your schedule.

3. Temporary or part-time work

Look for temporary or part-time positions in retail, hospitality, or customer service on job boards or through a temp agency. These types of roles often have flexible hours and immediate openings, making them suitable for those who need quick employment. Part-time work is great for gaining new experiences and filling gaps in your resume without committing to a full-time position.

4. Virtual assistant positions

The number of businesses using virtual assistants is on the rise. This gig allows you to work remotely with businesses and entrepreneurs needing help with administrative tasks like scheduling, email, or social media management.

5. Remote customer service

Are you a people person? Apply for remote customer service positions, which are often available on job boards like Indeed, Remote.co, or FlexJobs. Working in this type of role allows you to help people from the comfort of your home and often offers flexible hours.

6. Online tutoring

If you have experience working with children or an academic background, become a tutor in your local area or join an online platform like Tutor.com or VIPKid. Tutoring allows you to work from home, set your own schedule, and make a significant impact on students’ lives.

7. Pet sitting or dog walking

Sign up on platforms like Rover or Wag to offer pet sitting or dog walking services. This is a great option for animal lovers who enjoy spending time with furry friends. Not only is it a fun way to earn money, but it also provides the benefit of regular exercise!

8. House sitting

Looking for a money-making gig that will still allow you to apply to jobs all day? Consider house sitting. This can provide a small income (or even free accommodation) without disrupting your job application to-dos.

9. Participate in surveys and research

Earn money by participating in online surveys, focus groups, or market research studies. Ways to participate varies, including:

  • Online survey platforms: Join websites like Swagbucks or Survey Junkie to participate in paid surveys from the comfort of your home.
  • Market research companies: Register with market research firms such as Nielsen or Ipsos to take part in various studies, including product testing and consumer feedback panels.
  • University research studies: Check with local universities or colleges for research studies that need participants. These studies often offer compensation and can range from online questionnaires to in-person interviews.

Note: Before providing any personal information, research the legitimacy of the company offering surveys or research studies to avoid potential scams. Look for reviews, check for secure websites, and seek recommendations from trusted sources.

10. Task-based work

Do you have a knack for household projects and upkeep? Try task and project-based work. Like freelancing, you can establish yourself as a handyman one of two ways— by building clientele organically or joining an online platform like TaskRabbit that pairs you with people looking for services in your area.

From assembling furniture to pressure washing driveways to running errands, task-based work allows you to use your skills to help others.

11. Sell items online

Is your home’s spring clean way overdue? Declutter your home and sell items you no longer need on eBay, Craigslist, or Facebook Marketplace. Selling online can be a rewarding way to earn extra cash while tidying up your living space.

If you consider yourself crafty, you can also flip furniture for a profit!

12. Babysitting, nannying, or senior sitting

Provide sitting and care services through platforms like Care.com or Sittercity. This job is ideal for those who love working with others and have a nurturing personality. 

13. Part-time consulting

If you have some years of experience under your belt, utilize your professional expertise by offering part-time consulting services in your field. Reach out to your network or browse websites like LinkedIn to connect with potential clients. 

This option is great for experienced professionals who want to share their knowledge and earn money on a flexible schedule. Consulting can also lead to new opportunities and expand your professional network— an added bonus on top of earning some money!

Other productive things to do while looking for a job

While earning money may be the top priority, there are also things you can do to improve your career prospects while you’re between jobs. Activities geared towards personal and professional development are not only a productive way to stay busy, but they can actually help you land a job quicker. 


Give back to your community by volunteering for causes you care about. Not only does it feel good to help others, but it can also provide networking opportunities and add valuable experience to your resume. 

Develop new skills

Take online courses to learn something new or to sharpen your existing skills. Websites like Coursera, Udemy, and Khan Academy offer a wide range of topics. Whether you’re learning for personal growth, to boost your career prospects, or to prep for a career pivot, developing new skills is a productive activity that can add some positivity to your days.

Earn new certifications

Look into industry-specific certifications that can make you more marketable. Many online platforms offer free or low-cost certification programs. Gaining new certifications can give you an edge in the job market and show potential employers your commitment to continuous learning— even when you aren’t working.


Attend virtual networking events, join professional groups on social media, or simply reconnect with former colleagues. Building relationships can open doors to new opportunities. Networking can be a powerful tool in your job search and can lead to unexpected job offers or collaborations.

Update your portfolio

If you’re in a creative field, take this time to update your portfolio. Showcase your best work and make it easy for potential employers to see your talents. A polished portfolio can make a strong impression and help you stand out from the competition.

Take time for you

Perhaps most importantly, use the time in between jobs to focus on your mental and physical health. Whether it’s taking long walks, meditating, practicing yoga, or just enjoying a good book, self-care is crucial. Prioritizing yourself will help you stay positive and motivated during your job search.

It’s important to set aside dedicated time to apply for jobs. But it’s equally as important to set aside time to do things like:

  • Exercise
  • Engage with your community
  • Explore new passions
  • Set and work towards personal goals
  • Spend time with people you love

Don’t forget to rest and recharge. The job search can be physically, emotionally, and mentally draining. Take time to care for you.


Navigating the period between jobs can be challenging, but it’s also an opportunity to explore new avenues, develop new skills, and take care of yourself. By combining your side hustles with personal development and self-care, you can make the most of this time and be well-prepared for your next career move!